Enjoy Better Organization With Sequentially Numbered Barcode Labels

Sequentially Numbered Barcode Labels for Any Industry

A Modern-Day Necessity

Sequentially numbered barcode labels are becoming a necessity. They help organize, track, and manage just about every product you can imagine and are a critical component for automated manufacturing processes. That’s what makes high-quality sequential barcode label products so important.

And, that’s why The Kennedy Group offers custom label solutions for everything from basic serial numbers for asset management to demanding complex automotive compliance barcode label products.

Reliability and Readability

When it comes to choosing a proven, reliable, and cost-effective source for your sequentially numbered barcode label solutions, The Kennedy Group can meet your specific needs.

If your business relies on accurate and consistent barcode label scanning, The Kennedy Group can provide verified and graded barcode label products and, if required, we can also provide ANSI-grade print quality barcode solutions for the most demanding specifications.

Our pre-production barcode file verification along with our barcode verification system, in addition to our spot-check quality verification process, guarantees accurate readability to assure the highest sequentially numbered barcode label solutions in an effort to reduce scanning errors while meeting your strict barcode standards.

Severe and Extreme Conditions

The Kennedy Group is one of the largest sequentially numbered barcode label product manufacturers in the country and produces label solutions that withstand even severe conditions including abrasion, dampness, chemicals, solvents, and temperature variations.

Variable, Sequential, and Random Data

The Kennedy Group has extensive experience and modern technology to offer customers variable, sequential, and random data label solutions. The data can be any unique information that differs from one label product to the next, such as sequentially numbered barcode label solutions. The variable data can be text, barcodes, QR codes, Data Matrix, graphics, or a combination.


  • Asset Tracking
  • Serial Number Identification
  • Work-in-Progress Information
  • Pallet Identification and Tracking
  • Warehouse Rack Identification
  • Shelving Identification
  • Food/Product/Ingredient Information
  • Automotive Parts Identification and Tracking
  • Automotive Aftermarket Identification
  • And Much More

Cost-Efficient Standardized Label Solutions

In addition to customized label solutions, The Kennedy Group offers a variety of affordable, standardized label products in an assortment of sizes and several different product options (depending on customer requirements and budget).

These quality label products can withstand moderate to very demanding environments while providing longevity of use. Standardized label products allow The Kennedy Group to provide affordable, high-quality, basic solutions.

Printing Capabilities and Testing

The Kennedy Group produces high-quality barcode label solutions using state-of-the-art digital and 8- to 10-color high-speed presses that can quickly print your labels then finish them in rolls or fan-folded format. And, we also have complete lab services to offer customers in-house product testing to help you choose the most appropriate adhesive and substrates for your particular application.

Benefits of The Kennedy Group's Barcode Label Products

  • Large and Small Quantities
  • Cost-Effective
  • Consistent, Accurate Barcode Readability and Verification
  • Many Label Sizes to Choose From

Let's Get Started

Interested in learning more about custom printed barcode labels and how they can benefit your business? Contact us today. 

Barcode Label Construction

Identification Nameplate Labels
Choose from a variety of types, styles and colors for products, shipping containers, etc.
Learn More Here

Warehouse Location & Weight Capacity Labels
Choose from a variety of types, styles and colors for every kind of warehouse rack or shelf.
Learn More Here

Types of Barcode Symbologies
The Kennedy Group Can Produce

Code 39
Code 39 is a variable length barcode symbology. Its specification defines 43 characters, consisting of uppercase letters (A through Z), numeric digits (0 through 9) and a number of special characters.

Code 39 Barcode

Code 128
Code 128 is a high-density linear barcode symbology. It is used for alphanumeric or numeric-only barcodes.

Code 128 Barcode

Data Matrix
A Data Matrix is a two-dimensional barcode consisting of black and white “cells” or modules arranged in either a square or rectangular pattern, also known as a matrix. The information to be encoded can be text or numeric data.

Data Matrix

QR Code
QR codes offer fast readability and greater storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes.

QR Code
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